I Remember....

Busing Karin…

The Bus. Words that make a person cringe or relax. I’ve ridden more than my share. The following is a bunch of stories on some of my experiences. Trigger Warning: there are some stories that may be hard to read. I’m going to bypass the terror of upsetting my dad…

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My Noodle, Snark

A Rant: Doctors

TRIGGER WARNING: I’m ranting about doctors here. There is something wrong with Western Medicine. Why can’t we just get the help we need? I’ve been reading “It’s Always Something” by Gilda Radner. In 1986, she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer after a year of misdiagnoses and multiple doctors. In 1988,…

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Meditating woman

Advice for my Younger-self

What would I tell my younger self if I had the chance? In reality, it’s a complicated question since it was my past that made me who I am today. And I like me. Changing the past could have either good or bad repercussions. But let’s pretend that I’m talking…

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